Professional Business Administration


Administrative Assistance

computer diagnostics, graphic design, office coverage, social media, transcription (tapes or digital recordings), typing, word processing, website maintenance

Awesome Services

Please feel free to contact us at 515-250-6063 to schedule a consultation or phone conference call for further information.

Web Design

General Office Services

Wide-range of services offered, including: over 30 years of professional experience - general typing, word processing & tape transcription - meeting presentations and binding - resumes & form preparation - overnight delivery service - law library book and publication filing updates - many programs, including Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, Outlook, PowerPoint, Publisher), Corel WordPerfect, etc. - scanning & laser print, etc. - hourly rates (per page limit) & student discounts - your on site or off site office assitant

Web Design

Graphic Design

Graphic design for your business utilizing Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop and InDesign software - business cards - signage - menus - brochures - etc.

Web Design

Social Media | Web Design

Building websites, web page maintenance, social media setup, strategies and design.

Web Design

Computer and Software Training & Maintenance

Advanced training in Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, Power Point and Publisher) Corel WordPerfect, Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop. Computer maintenance including enhancing computer performance and training along with setting up off-site computer backup

Additional Services
On Premises or at your location ... ask about fee schedule for notarizing documents (state of Iowa only - proof of identification required)


Notary Public | State of Iowa

Fee Required (Available for State of Iowa Only)

Yep we even provide pet sitting in home services also

Just ask (or call to inquire)

The Art of Keyboarding
Keyboard strokes versus mouse